Conductive deafness is a condition when sound cannot enter the inner ear because there are problems in the ear canal, eardrum, or hearing bones in the middle ear. This hearing loss can be caused by several things, ranging from blocked earwax, infections, to tumors in the ear. The process of hearing starts from the capture of sound waves around us by the ear canal. Inside the ear, the sound waves will make the hearing bones in the middle ear vibrate. Then, the vibration then stimulates nerve cells in the inner ear to pass it on to the brain. The process of delivering sound from the ear to the nerves until it can be processed by the brain is what makes the ear can hear. If there is damage or disturbance in the ear, hearing loss will occur. One hearing loss that is quite common is conductive deafness. Causes of Conductive Deafness Conductive deafness is a type of deafness that occurs due to hearing loss or connective tissue in the ear, so it cannot deliver sound properly. Apart fro...